Samuel the prophet of God
There was a boy named Samuel who lived in the temple with Eli the priest. Samuel helped Eli and learned about God.
One night, when Samuel was sleeping, he heard someone calling his name: "Samuel!" He thought it was Eli and ran towards him. But Eli said he hadn't called and told Samuel to go back to sleep.
A short time later, Samuel heard his name again: "Samuel!" Once again, he ran to Eli, but Eli said he hadn't called and asked Samuel to go back to sleep.
The third time, Samuel heard his name once more: "Samuel, Samuel!" He went to Eli again, and that's when Eli realized that it was God who was calling Samuel. Then he told Samuel to go back to sleep and, if he heard the voice again, to reply, "Speak, Lord; for your servant is listening."
Samuel did what Eli said, and God spoke to him. God told Samuel that He needed to correct some wrong things that were happening in Eli's house.
The next morning, Samuel told everything to Eli, who accepted God's message. Samuel grew up to be a very important prophet, and God continued to speak to him.
And so, Samuel learned to hear God's voice and share his messages with people.